Frederick Schuknecht
From an early age, Frederick's mother involved him in arts and crafts, teaching him skills she knew. She ensured that an abundance of art and craft items were available. As a young person, he remembers family members crafting while relaxing in the evening, since they were always happiest when making things. In Junior and Senior High School, Frederick majored in art and enjoyed the creative energy shared by fellow students. After thirty plus years working in the Mental Health field, he knew he must devote his life to the love of creating instilled by the Master Creator. Currently he enjoys plein air painting in watercolors, oils, or acrylics along with artist colleagues. Besides painting, he enjoys almost any media, including woodworking, fiber arts, and others.
Frederick can be reached at 585-266-0449 or 585-237-3195 (summers) or by email at [email protected]
Frederick can be reached at 585-266-0449 or 585-237-3195 (summers) or by email at [email protected]